Monday, November 08, 2010

o for heaven's sake..

So this week was a bit chaotic..but the topper was on Sunday when the Yaris got another little shove in a  parking lot while my S.O and myself were peacefully and blissfully eating breakfast..Either myself or this car is definitely seriously jinxed! it's like an accident magnet!  Grrr..There was a reason I resisted driving until a few short years ago when  I had to..
Well I was less than thrilled to deal with this calmly-but did more or less after finishing my eggs!
The layers of  tasks to follow are a bit overwhelming to me..collision repair estimates,reporting to police,dealing with insurance and renting a car..alas
but..i take solace and comfort from simpler pursuits..walking the dogs
hanging out with the critters and making art ..all help to keep it al in perspective.
Plus the other driver was honest enough to seek us out  and deal with it..that counts for something these days..


Anonymous said...

You know what, I think someone is trying to tell you that you're meant to be driving a big truck.

Oh well, at least the goats are still cute as ever.

Heather Murray said...

hehe so true..but my s.o. ss pretty attached to his Dodge Ram so...