I have just experienced the nicest weekend in a long time with my daughter..She visited with us due to a doctor's appointment in our town today - we had two whole nights with her ..and she was with us the
entire time hurrah! My almost twenty year old daughter..sigh..and so much evidence of her spark and maturity..
I feel so proud of her!
Taking a couple of days off recently have bolstered my energy and well being also-work and it's demands were wearing on me and I am not a natural,dedicated full time worker. There is a lot of "give' in my work ..so at times I need to give back a bit to me and my universe ;-) ..
my s.o. kindly took a day off today to drive her back in threatening snow squallish conditions..so I am comfy ,warm and content here at home on a scheduled vacation day..spending time with Ollie,Savannah,cats ..and now welcome to..
Eddie ..formerly Buddy
Ollie is adjusting...
a rare still moment..
Gus finds a cozy nook in bathroom