Monday, March 31, 2014

Hoping for A long Winter's Demise

Almost April and the snow is still high ,and our driveway is still an ice rink ..I would like to throw my hands up in the air and lament to Mother nature that I give up! The tranquil serenity of country life has been blemished by relentless winds,snow and biting temperatures. our outdoor animals have spent far too much time huddled inside ,and even with heat lamps and straw i have fretted for their comfort on minus thirty five degree nights! frozen doors, and water pails ..frozen taps and has made us wonder if we can do this again! yet today the sun is out. Today i am sending thaw vibes out to make it all go away. i will promise to welcome the clean up of muck,debris and whatever else landed deep in the snow over the past five months and embrace the feeling of soil once more instead of white crunchy stuff.!